
Slapped in the face with the mirror of “for” vs “from.”

I write two blogs. This one and one for work. This one is called Four4Soaring, as you know, and the one at work is called Friday Food For Thought. I suppose, something about "F" sounds and the word "for" just speak to me. I think it is because I do my best to be "... Continue Reading →

The Payoff and Price of Flourishing

My brother in law and I were joking about my relationship with my kids over the holiday break. He is the cool uncle, the fun one, the world traveler that takes them out and shows them how to have fun in the world and how to live in the moment. I am very thankful for... Continue Reading →

Grow in unpredictable ways

As I walk my dogs each day I am struck by the beautiful oaks my neighborhood offers as majestic diversions along the roadway. One such oak must have had an interesting history because it has somehow found its balance much like a waiter with an outstretched arm holding a platter? I sought to capture a... Continue Reading →

Thank you for an incredible 2018

Thank you for following us and supporting us in this, our first full year of blogging! We enjoyed bringing you stories, quotes and memes around the : 4 Ls to Live by and Soar by : Light | Love | Leadership | Laughter

What is the four in Four4Soaring?

An open hand

Read the full Story on Medium “John, when your hand is open you can give things away and at the same time make room for more.”

We have a New Banner Logo!

Thankful ain’t what YOU think

I used to dream of the ability to shower people with gifts that I thought would thank them properly and adequately. The original, first and only draft of the lyrics to 'Your Song,' the crown jewel of the Elton John and Bernie Taupin songbook. I used to pine tirelessly to imagine a way of thanking... Continue Reading →

Pepop: A Decorated Veteran of the Game of Life

Some months ago I wrote a story about my grandfather and how he taught me how to be full of CHIT: Curious | Humble | Intentional | Teachable. Today, I want to talk about this World War II veteran and how he has lived a life as a gritty hero, not just of World War... Continue Reading →

Hello in There?! The call to seek connection and be known.

Who do you let in? Who do you seek out? How often do you stop, cup your hands to your mouth and cry: Hello in There? We all yearn to be known. We have this inborn appetite to be seen. We are also prompted to connect with others. The opposite, isolation, is both physically and... Continue Reading →

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