We remember our fallen heroes today.

A Positively Magical(?) Way to Foster Accountability

We can all become “energy vampires” at times – if left unchecked. Our role as leaders is to check that tendency at every turn- both in the culture and, perhaps more importantly, in ourselves.

We rise by lifting others

Here is a letter I wrote to a community I belong to when that tribe was at a low point. When we had suffered losses. When the future was uncertain. Fell free to use this, all or part of it, and share it, when you find yourself in a similar situation. Friends, Today is not …

Direction not intention – Andy Stanley Quote

Business Made Simple Review: Honored to join the SOI Podcast for the 2nd Time

https://open.spotify.com/episode/6XYQhfPgyrS0F5MAa11fS3?si=pSoTe7vzS56hkdPezpGjPQ A couple of weeks ago, I was honored to join The Sisters of Industry on their podcast. I’d be honored if you would listen and let me know if you were able to get value out of what Laura and I discussed! #Iwant2CUSoar

Better to share thanks like Hanks than be scary like Larry

Food 4 Thought: I am excited to bring you some Food 4 Thought with the intent of sparking new ways to look at and approach your day, tackle the changes we are faced with in life and maximize the opportunities you have to connect and grow with one another. Today, I am inspired by another …

Questions Impact Culture

Does (y)our approach around asking questions have an impact on culture? A couple of years ago, I facilitated a discussion on another forum centered around the questions spurned from a previous post : No Capes. https://youtu.be/YL3w73MAuIM It was interesting to enter into dialog with folks both within and outside my profession around the topic of …

How can I do better?

We can become complicit in evil if we are not careful. Our behavior in our workplaces, schools, churches, communities and families and the way we react to events can send signals : we can choose to send ripples of healing kindness or ripples of bitterness; ripples of proactive improvement of the status quo or ripples …

Hello in there – Reprise on LinkedIn

Read the updated post : Hello in there : The call to seek connection and be known on my LinkedIn account.

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