
Chart and Use “The Course” with Bias Blasting C.U.D.O.s

Hi everyone and welcome to your Food 4 Thought : Chart and Use "The Course" with Bias Blasting C.U.D.O.s We are excited to bring you Food 4 Thought, with the intent of sparking new ways to look at and approach our lives and work, tackle the changes we are faced with and maximize the opportunities... Continue Reading →

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The poem "Sometimes" by Sheenagh Pugh, written in 1999, celebrates the unexpected moments of hope, kindness, and self-discovery in life. With a clear structure and poetic devices like rhyme and repetition, the poem inspires optimism and gratitude. The narrator's video recitation and analysis add depth to the poem's message.

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When I am among the trees

"Embark on a poetic journey with Mary Oliver's enchanting verses in 'When I Am Among the Trees.' 🌳✨ Experience the magic of nature's embrace as the words unfold. 🍃 Join us for more uplifting content on our YouTube channel @Four4Soaring! 🎥🌈 #NaturePoetry #MaryOliver #PoetryLovers #Inspiration #Four4Soaring #YouTubeChannel #Poems #NatureMagic"

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How do we find the joy in where we are?

https://youtu.be/4ncu5CLGkCQ What do you and Olympic silver medalist Michelle Kwan have in common ? We are all subject to certain biases and one of the most pervasive is our tendency to compare our current state to an idealized or fantastical alternate reality more readily than the accurate state we find ourselves in. How can you... Continue Reading →

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Who do we allow to influence us?

Join me for a quick tip on influence and persuasion. Video is approx 7 minutes

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7 Quick Tips from Sinek: Playing The Infinite Game

Watch all 7 of our quick tips on Simon Sinek's Infinite Game.

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Check out the new series on our YouTube channel


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How to know if you are helping or enabling?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PraRE0RJqIA How do you know if you are helping or enabling? Here is some quick advice taken from John Townsend's book People Fuel. 5 things to look for in 3 minutes. For a longer article on this, check out my Medium article here , A Life Team is an Essential Nutrient for Survival.

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A Positively Magical(?) Way to Foster Accountability

We can all become “energy vampires” at times - if left unchecked. Our role as leaders is to check that tendency at every turn- both in the culture and, perhaps more importantly, in ourselves.

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We rise by lifting others

Here is a letter I wrote to a community I belong to when that tribe was at a low point. When we had suffered losses. When the future was uncertain. Fell free to use this, all or part of it, and share it, when you find yourself in a similar situation. Friends, Today is not... Continue Reading →

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Funny thing is, you’re a genius!

Find your humor and genius and soar! I am excited to bring you an installment of Four4Soaring, with the intent of sparking new ways to look at and approach life, tackle the changes we are faced with, and exercise our collective growth mindset as we grow. “A sense of humor is part of the art... Continue Reading →

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The Time Traveler’s Guide to Leading through Change

Food 4 Thought from four4soaring We don't have to change, we GET TO change. The brevity of that mantra and the substitution of the words “get to” for “have to” or “must” evokes anticipation, engagement, and action. At least it feels like that is what the "influencers" and leaders who started introducing this "get to"... Continue Reading →

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Business Made Simple Review: Honored to join the SOI Podcast for the 2nd Time

https://open.spotify.com/episode/6XYQhfPgyrS0F5MAa11fS3?si=pSoTe7vzS56hkdPezpGjPQ A couple of weeks ago, I was honored to join The Sisters of Industry on their podcast. I'd be honored if you would listen and let me know if you were able to get value out of what Laura and I discussed! #Iwant2CUSoar

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A Tale of Two Cyborgs: Don’t let a glitch make you twitch

Much like our technological enhancements of today, sometimes the technology helped these fabled bionic TV heroes soar more independently than any other human before and sometimes it got downright "glitchy." We can do better..together.

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Finding your way on the hero’s journey

Originally posted on Medium · 5 min read I think anyone who reads my content with any regularity probably has a sense that I am one who reads a great many leadership books and soaks in more than my share of non-fiction. Long time readers are likely to know that I have an affinity for... Continue Reading →

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Embrace Change with Curiosity (and DON’T follow that hat!)

In these troubling times many of us have experienced change or loss. While the sting of those losses, some professional, too many personal and all deeply impactful, remains with us, we find ourselves facing the winds of change, off balance and chasing who we used to be. In the aftermath, many of us find ourselves... Continue Reading →

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George Carlin on The Little Things We Share

At a time when we feel our differences are unprecedented and we feel the divides and "space between us" are insurmountable, there is solace in recognizing that we have always had differences. We have always had deep rifts in our national "tribal subcultures." Nearly 30 years ago, in 1992, George Carlin exposed a great many... Continue Reading →

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Your Feed is a Barometer

As you scroll through your social media feed today, the day after the president-elect was projected by the media. The day that some celebrate in anticipation of that projection being ratified, even while others struggle to reconcile whether that truly is the final result of a contested American referendum... As you swipe through stories, as... Continue Reading →

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Throw Down your Shield and Embrace the Awkward

Sometimes someone relates to our willingness to be awkward and vulnerable and it brings value to their lives.

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A call for Oneness in a moment of division

What is our posture supposed to be like as we are pushed into further and further division? Amazing words of clarity from my favorite teachers.

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Questions Impact Culture

Does (y)our approach around asking questions have an impact on culture? A couple of years ago, I facilitated a discussion on another forum centered around the questions spurned from a previous post : No Capes. https://youtu.be/YL3w73MAuIM It was interesting to enter into dialog with folks both within and outside my profession around the topic of... Continue Reading →

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Steering Your Ship Through the Storms of Change

When we take on massive change and we seek to overhaul huge swaths of any organization, system, process and/or culture, we, in essence, create a man-made storm. If we try to predict everything that will happen, we are, just like the so-called "layman experts" described above, deceiving ourselves. Never have I guessed perfectly what would happen, never was I fully prepared, often I have been underwhelmed, but too frequently I have been surprised or overwhelmed.

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Angry or Afraid? Video

https://youtu.be/Uq1c6-Z5vp0 Here is a video summary of the original blog post written in April 2018.

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We Get To : Reprise (with Lumen5)

https://youtu.be/-jEo_sGdiZM Click play above for a 2020 summary of the below 2018 blog post using Lumen5 software The revised blog post: I’ve been reflecting on the words of one of my HR leaders a great deal in recent weeks: “We get to change.” I’d credit her by name, but I do my best not to... Continue Reading →

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Memoirs and Crystal Balls are Fictions to Beware of…

We must overcome our flawed lenses on the past and future to be less fearful in the present.

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Engage with one another

I admire the daylights out of this man and appreciate his impactful TED Talk - learning from others we view as different than us is more critical now than ever...

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See and Be The Bridge: Audio Podcast


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Four4Soaring Launches a Podcast

Hi Soarers! I just wanted to give everyone a heads up that I have been dabbling with recording podcast versions of the blog. The podcast can be found on multiple platforms where podcasts are available like Spotify. I am using an app called Anchor and my iPhone to create the podcasts and right now they... Continue Reading →

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Instead of Cicero’s Six Mistakes…

It strikes me as worth noting that man has struggled with the same challenges throughout time. Witness what the Roman statesman, Cicero, who lived from 106 BC to 43 BC, wrote all those centuries ago. We observe these obstacles in our every day lives in the 21st century and as you can read in his... Continue Reading →

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Let me build a bridge, for I cannot fill the chasm…

https://youtu.be/OiPiRKbNCWY The poet of my youth was one Gordon Sumner, aka Sting. The first concert I ever went to was Dream of the Blue Turtles, his debut solo album. A bit odd for a kid my age as all my other friends went to the Journey, AC/DC and KISS concerts, and I loved all that... Continue Reading →

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A mom for all seasons

If many of you were to write a blog about your mom and titled it " A mom for all seasons" I suspect your story might be about one special woman who showered you with unconditional love, who was your rock, your inspiration and a guiding light in your life. Still others of you might... Continue Reading →

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Surviving change without going ape

How many times have we left for work, fully intending to play the part of the ever-composed, quietly observant, always benevolent Jane Goodhall, only to find ourselves at the end of the day, flinging feces at our teammates in a primitive display of dominance and one-upmanship? “You cannot get through a single day without having an... Continue Reading →

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What are you choosing to take with you?

Do you need all that junk you are carrying around? How much of what you encounter every day is because of what you choose to take with you everywhere you go? https://youtu.be/wTXV59f6m0g 4:24 Yoda and Luke Cave Scene from The Empire Strikes BackI DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY OF THE MOVIE CONTENT IN... Continue Reading →

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Pushing people into the chasm of tension as an act of service.

Once, I thought all tension was "bad" or "negative." I was under the assumption that making others uncomfortable (or my making a mistake) was always a "mark against me on the scoreboard of life." This could be because I am innately, at least according to many of the personality inventories I've taken the last 40... Continue Reading →

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The “Colonel” Of Truth and our bias in the war against him.

Why do I write this blog? What is this whole #four4soaring thing about anyway? As I ponder this question I am assaulted by what Steven Furtick calls the Chatterbox in my own head: You are writing this blog out of ego. You want to be liked. You crave attention. You don't really care about anyone... Continue Reading →

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Is blind faith what it’s all about?

Faith is not blind. It sees. Where we falter, it renews. I have always been fascinated by dogma. Fundamentalism is something of a preoccupation of mine. So much so that I used to equate those two things with Faith and in particular following Jesus. I used to think that there was a requirement to believe... Continue Reading →

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Why do we run from things rather than toward something greater than ourselves?

What is it about our human nature that is so stoked in fear that we are constantly looking for any excuse to find the exit? What saturates our brains in flight or fight neuropathy so much that it feels like we are always either defending our flank or leaping like an antelope for the safety... Continue Reading →

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Slapped in the face with the mirror of “for” vs “from.”

I write two blogs. This one and one for work. This one is called Four4Soaring, as you know, and the one at work is called Friday Food For Thought. I suppose, something about "F" sounds and the word "for" just speak to me. I think it is because I do my best to be "... Continue Reading →

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The Payoff and Price of Flourishing

My brother in law and I were joking about my relationship with my kids over the holiday break. He is the cool uncle, the fun one, the world traveler that takes them out and shows them how to have fun in the world and how to live in the moment. I am very thankful for... Continue Reading →

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Grow in unpredictable ways

As I walk my dogs each day I am struck by the beautiful oaks my neighborhood offers as majestic diversions along the roadway. One such oak must have had an interesting history because it has somehow found its balance much like a waiter with an outstretched arm holding a platter? I sought to capture a... Continue Reading →

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I follow this guy on Instagram who posts quotes the way I often do. He issued a challenge the other day to sum up my 2018 in one word. The first word that came to mind was blessed. I thought about sharing that word because it fits so perfectly and then I challenged myself to... Continue Reading →

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Flocking around the Christmas Tree

So we bought this thing called a “flocked tree” and I was thinking...someday I would love to Meet the Flockers. Who are these people that put flock - some sort of glue like substance that mimics snow- on the trees? I decided to build a set of questions to ask about these mysterious creatures and... Continue Reading →

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What is the four in Four4Soaring?

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An open hand

Read the full Story on Medium “John, when your hand is open you can give things away and at the same time make room for more.”

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We have a New Banner Logo!

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Thankful ain’t what YOU think

I used to dream of the ability to shower people with gifts that I thought would thank them properly and adequately. The original, first and only draft of the lyrics to 'Your Song,' the crown jewel of the Elton John and Bernie Taupin songbook. I used to pine tirelessly to imagine a way of thanking... Continue Reading →

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Pepop: A Decorated Veteran of the Game of Life

Some months ago I wrote a story about my grandfather and how he taught me how to be full of CHIT: Curious | Humble | Intentional | Teachable. Today, I want to talk about this World War II veteran and how he has lived a life as a gritty hero, not just of World War... Continue Reading →

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Hello in There?! The call to seek connection and be known.

Who do you let in? Who do you seek out? How often do you stop, cup your hands to your mouth and cry: Hello in There? We all yearn to be known. We have this inborn appetite to be seen. We are also prompted to connect with others. The opposite, isolation, is both physically and... Continue Reading →

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A Tribute to Tim the Writer

On October 21, 2018, I was one of four people asked to share some of my thoughts with some of the gathered family and friends of Tim Sader at only the first of two services.  The following is the first draft of what I shared.  As usual, on the day this was shared the words... Continue Reading →

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May Your Torch Burn Long and Prosper

According to his parents May 19, 2011, was a Tuesday, it was the day they lost their first son and it was a day that his brother had the hardest time writing his blog, Tuesday's Torch, but he wrote it anyway. He wrote it dutifully, beautifully and eloquently for 9 years.  He wrote it to... Continue Reading →

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Once Upon a Time, There Were Three Little Girls…and I was their Bosley

Our childhood wasn't all Charlie's Angels and Bosley to be sure! We rallied around each other when times were tough.  I call them my war buddies because we've seen and been through some scary stuff together....I can see when someone has the potential to grow from obscurity to the highest heights...  My sisters are such people...read more: click on pic or link in bio

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We DON’T Get To…

Today, I feel compelled to write about what we DON'T GET TO do. We don't get to be more than we were created to be. ..Read more at four4soaring.com

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Change your lens to see more light.

Change your lens on life and change your life (and maybe others?) for the better. Read more at http://four4soaring.com .

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The Struggle is Real…Sometimes…

I am a restless person.  You might even call me "Restless by Nature." That is not quite as cool as "Naughty By Nature" but I am anything but cool.  This restlessness is all too big a part of being human.  We struggle from the moment we emerge from the womb.  If you believe Maslow's hierarchy (or... Continue Reading →

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Convey your idea, mission, or project through the power of story.

One of the most powerful ideas I have heard recently is that when you share a concept, in reality, you as the presenter are not the hero, your audience is the hero. Nancy Duarte shares this concept with us in her TED Talk as she reveals her passions for presentation.  This is how she describes... Continue Reading →

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People are more important than things.

As I prepare to sit through this storm my thoughts and prayers are not for all the THINGS that are already lost and will be lost.

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Unsunk and unstuck: Open the door to more!

My friends, what I have now realized is that those sunk costs had me sunk.  I was drowning in them.  I was mired in a morass of my own self-absorption, intent on getting and keeping...

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Hope prevails at any age

One of the starkest tragedies of our lives is that we are horrible predictors of the future.  This affects us in a myriad of mundane and profound ways.  We can be hurt by this in the way we choose our kitchen tile or cast our vote, by our inaction around saving and multiplying our money from a young age or when we fail to see the good things happening around us or, tearfully, when we give up. Even when we don't do something as extreme as giving up permanently, those of us who fall prey to a life without hope can find ourselves existing day to day, as Andy Stanley explains, as a "languishing life preserver." 

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There are two futures…

A quote about two very different futures by Eric Haseltine of Ted Talk fame. I love what he describes here as it speaks to both our limitations to imagine the future and the endless possibilities. In my estimation, our job is to realize as many of those possibilities as our talents and gifts permit while... Continue Reading →

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Don’t Hate…but how?…and why?

When you are lost and you feel like no one is in your corner it is easy to gravitate toward hate.  Hate is seductive. Hate is unifying and affirming in a sick sort of way.  Hate feels good at the moment your stoking it or feeling it.  Hate can be a crucible to burn off, and distract from, your feelings of rejection, discontent, and discomfort. The ironic thing is the whole time your hating you are secretly yearning to love and be loved...read more at http://four4soaring.com

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What’s the alternative to telling someone to shake it off?

What's the alternative to telling someone to shake it off? When you see someone who consistently falls down, do you lecture them, run the other way, or do you lean in with grace and compassion?

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Summer Melt and Mentorship

I had the right people around me at the right times to avoid the "summer melt."  Summer melt is a term that refers to a phenomenon where every year, many students who have overcome daunting obstacles in high school receive good news — they've been accepted to college, and often they have been awarded enough money to attend, but they don't show up to start classes. 

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How Can I Influence Others With a Shovel?

I was treated to a great lesson on influence recently at a conference I attended. Justin Elam's message was one he has been sharing for a while now about how to equip others by asking questions vs. providing ready answers.  The outline of his talk started with this Strauss quote: "The wise man doesn't give the right answers.  He poses the right questions."

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What my grandfather taught me about being full of C.H.I.T.

There is a hilarious image I have in mind of a cartoonish, slightly more balding version of me, giving myself a Homer Simpson slap on the forehead and exclaiming "DOH!" as I think back on just how many things I got wrong as I was growing up.  For instance....

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Golden Child or Pariah : Is this the right choice ?

Should we strive to be the golden child or should we suffer as the pariah? What is the right posture to assume as we move through life? Is this the right choice? Must we choose one of these paths or is there a third choice that leaves us better positioned for true success?

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Moms and Teachers: Every Kid Needs A Champion, Thankful For You and Those Like You

Moms.  They are our champions.  Whether it is your actual Mom or someone who simply pulls you into their circle and treats you like their child, like the best teachers do, they are fiercely and ferociously for us.  They provide us with the unfathomable, unconditional love that we typically only receive from one Other Place, far above this one.

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Look Up

(Hint: You may have to click this open to see it formatted as intended 🙂 ) Look Up When you want to look down Look Up When you feel like a clown Look Up When you're lost and not found Look Up When you’re slammed to the ground Look Up When you’re feeling sad Look... Continue Reading →

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Angry or Afraid? When people act out, do we see someone to fear or someone to serve?

I still need help practicing consistently: quickly changing my response from one of "equal and opposite" reaction to one of service, grace and compassion

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The Wolf Ate My Checklist

What kind of society could we have if we unleashed our children to play and fall and re-work their environment as the wolves did in Yellowstone? What kind of society will we have if we don't?

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Troubled Waters ? Don’t get washed away see and be the bridge.

My wager is that you know, deep down that there is hope, even in the midst of sorrow and that there is always an "other side" to cross over to and always a bridge you can cross.

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Easter A to Z

Before I got past my biases of what Easter was about, it was just another holiday where I got to eat all my kids leftover chocolate. Now, I still dip into the chocolate, but I have a renewed way of looking at it.  I now have a new language for Easter. 

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Got Circle? Sometimes you NEED to go where everybody knows your name

Cheers Theme: "Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name..and they're always glad you came....  You want to go where people know, people are all the same, you want to go where every-bod-y knows your nameeee." What if that want, was really more of a need?  What if we don't just want to be with people who are just as messed up as we are, but we really need to be with people, just like we need the very air that we breathe? 

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What Motivates You Defines You…or is it Who?

I came away with a strong conviction to be more aware of my hidden motives and to be conscious of not just what motivates me, but Who. Here is how I got there...

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You don’t know what I’m feeling

I recently listened to this incredible TED Radio Hour titled Decoding Our Emotions. This really impacted me deeply...

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I have this friend…a tale of Dr. Awesome and Mr. (other A word)

We are all broken and none of us is going to get it right 100% of the time, no matter what the perfectionistic slogans say on Pinterest or Facebook.

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Recipe for a Hallmark movie

1 part 80's or 90's TV star - preferably B or C list (sometimes they double this) 1 part lovely single woman who has experienced tragedy, loss and/or heartbreak (or is just profoundly misunderstood by her current boyfriend who is either completely milk toast (or just mean to waiters) 1 part dreamy or dashing single... Continue Reading →

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Stuck? Lift the needle on the broken record in your head!

When our minds are new and scratch-free,  they play the song they are meant to play.  The songs that were printed on them by their creator.  However, as we age and get hurt or scared, we have a tendency to let the scratches accumulate.  We start forming thought patterns that are toxic to ourselves and others.  We get caught in a quagmire.  We repeat ourselves until, what was once a beautiful, soulful or just a flat-out kick-ass song is ruined.  

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We get to…

We get to be who we are created to be...read more at four4soaring.com

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Out of the loop and in the loop – a leader’s conundrum.

I have witnessed, up close, the heart of leaders who want nothing but the best for their organizations and share everything they can as soon as they can.  I have seen the opposite as well.  Leaders who hoard information.  Leaders who leverage intelligence and news for their own benefit, high on the "sexy" drugs of status, secrecy and self-importance. I confess, I've been (am?) one of these leaders too. 

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Do we become the bully after the bullies are all gone?

Whether you have experienced "real life" external bullies or not, we all have this tendency to be our own bully.  The question you have to ask yourself is.  How long are you going to take it, before you say you've had enough?

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Be a Leader of Leaders

One of the most profound things I have learned in recent years is that the most effective leadership posture I can assume is to strive to be a relentless servant leader who spends his time building into other leaders. This may seem intuitive, but many of us drive so hard to achieve and make a... Continue Reading →

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Embrace the Contrarians in Your Midst

Having contrarians in your daily life, at your dinner table and in your community can be maddening at times...but can we and should we try to live without them?

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Thinking of adding things to your life? Add depth to existing or new relationships.

patterns. As someone who is trying to grow closer to others and sprinkle as much salt and light into the world as possible before I go, I am humbled.  Dunbar's number tells me a story.

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No Capes!

Have you ever had a leader or manager like that? A parent? I bet we all have at one time or another. How did it make you feel? Empowered? Emboldened? Full of drive and energy to tackle the next big project? Probably not…

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I Was You

I was you You wouldn’t know it now My brand has changed What you see now is “The Church guy” The “Christian guy” It is hilarious to me, that when I meet you… You think I am “one of them” I used to sit in the back...

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What matters most isn’t being applauded.

https://youtu.be/q_vCBIcos78?si=8JAvvOj-5iVjO7XH A short video featuring scenes from my grandfather's Air Force honorific at his funeral. He lived to be 101 years old. He spent his life living this quote about quiet humility. He is dearly missed. What matters isn’t being applauded when you arrive - for that is common - but being missed when you... Continue Reading →

Quotes to Empower You

🌟💭 Unleash the power of positivity with quotes to empower. #InspirationalQuotes #PositivityBoosthttps://youtube.com/shorts/WwkHXoiYXzo?feature=share https://youtu.be/HWut0yXg038?si=wZ1CVJKC1Vtiatet Mister Rogers Quote kicks off my Quote playlist. Like and subscribe to a playlist of quotes here.

The three non negotiable behaviors

Click the link to watch a quick reel. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/Sz3iJTrNpm8ruaLj/?mibextid=0VwfS7

Watch the latest Food4Thought : Brene Brown on Freudenfreude

https://youtu.be/f35JJSeHXu0?si=nWLiUb__ZwlpL4Id Watch and Subscribe for More ! Hey there, amazing viewers! 🌟 In today’s video, we’re diving into the wisdom of Brené Brown’s “Atlas of the Heart” to uncover a powerful lesson on leadership and personal growth. 💪 Brené reminds us of the importance of supporting and lifting each other up, rather than delighting in... Continue Reading →

A quote about potential from Jon Acuff from All it takes is a goal

A quote from Seth Godin and his book Linchpin

Reaching out to others

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