
Memoirs and Crystal Balls are Fictions to Beware of…

We must overcome our flawed lenses on the past and future to be less fearful in the present.

Instead of Cicero’s Six Mistakes…

It strikes me as worth noting that man has struggled with the same challenges throughout time. Witness what the Roman statesman, Cicero, who lived from 106 BC to 43 BC, wrote all those centuries ago. We observe these obstacles in our every day lives in the 21st century and as you can read in his... Continue Reading →

Let me build a bridge, for I cannot fill the chasm…

https://youtu.be/OiPiRKbNCWY The poet of my youth was one Gordon Sumner, aka Sting. The first concert I ever went to was Dream of the Blue Turtles, his debut solo album. A bit odd for a kid my age as all my other friends went to the Journey, AC/DC and KISS concerts, and I loved all that... Continue Reading →

A mom for all seasons

If many of you were to write a blog about your mom and titled it " A mom for all seasons" I suspect your story might be about one special woman who showered you with unconditional love, who was your rock, your inspiration and a guiding light in your life. Still others of you might... Continue Reading →

Surviving change without going ape

How many times have we left for work, fully intending to play the part of the ever-composed, quietly observant, always benevolent Jane Goodhall, only to find ourselves at the end of the day, flinging feces at our teammates in a primitive display of dominance and one-upmanship? “You cannot get through a single day without having an... Continue Reading →

Happy birthday in heaven Dad !

Old School : family film with Dad My Dad would have been 75 today if my “goesintas” are correct? I wish he would have had a chance to see my, my sisters and my step brother and step sister’s families grow and soar! I'm thankful my dad captured these moments of my earliest childhood on... Continue Reading →

What are you choosing to take with you?

Do you need all that junk you are carrying around? How much of what you encounter every day is because of what you choose to take with you everywhere you go? https://youtu.be/wTXV59f6m0g 4:24 Yoda and Luke Cave Scene from The Empire Strikes BackI DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY OF THE MOVIE CONTENT IN... Continue Reading →

Pushing people into the chasm of tension as an act of service.

Once, I thought all tension was "bad" or "negative." I was under the assumption that making others uncomfortable (or my making a mistake) was always a "mark against me on the scoreboard of life." This could be because I am innately, at least according to many of the personality inventories I've taken the last 40... Continue Reading →

The “Colonel” Of Truth and our bias in the war against him.

Why do I write this blog? What is this whole #four4soaring thing about anyway? As I ponder this question I am assaulted by what Steven Furtick calls the Chatterbox in my own head: You are writing this blog out of ego. You want to be liked. You crave attention. You don't really care about anyone... Continue Reading →

Is blind faith what it’s all about?

Faith is not blind. It sees. Where we falter, it renews. I have always been fascinated by dogma. Fundamentalism is something of a preoccupation of mine. So much so that I used to equate those two things with Faith and in particular following Jesus. I used to think that there was a requirement to believe... Continue Reading →

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